2023 Club Rules

  1. A single membership is defined as a single person without children.  A family membership includes all unmarried members of the family up to 21 years of age.  Those over 21 wishing to use the club facilities should apply to Board for membership.
  2. A resident of Wading River may be a guest of the club no more than 3 times per season. This means that a non-member Wading River resident may only come a total of 3 times per season.
  3. Members having houseguests for a week or more should contact the Board for a guest membership ($25 per family per week).  Contact a governor for payment.
  4. There is a curfew of 11:00 p.m. for non adults (under 18 years of age)
  5. Drinking of alcohol on club property by persons under the age of 21 is prohibited at all times.
  6. Members are asked to cooperate in keeping the restrooms neat and clean.
  7. If you are the last to leave the Club premises, please make sure that the rest room doors are locked.
  8. All activities must end by 1:00 a.m. as this is a residential area.
  9. Members must not bring pets on club property.
  10. Parking is limited.  Please park as closely as possible.  PARK THREE DEEP IN THE SOUTH LOT DURING ALL CLUB FUNCTIONS!
  11. In the interest of safety, we remind our members that the beach and water are primarily for the enjoyment of bathers.  All motorized boats, jet skis, etc., may be launched but are to be operated outside the legal 500 foot distance from shoreline bathing.
  12. Smoking  including vaping, is not permitted in the clubhouse or on the upper deck.  Smoking including vaping is permitted on the lower deck,  beach and the parking lot
  13. The refrigerator in the ladies’ room is for general membership use.   Please make sure that you take your items home with you when leaving.
  14. No group larger than 10 may use the club for any personal, private function.